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The Real Book of Real Estate (Volume 1 of 2) Pdf,,,, Download Note: If you're looking for a free download links of The Real Book of Real Estate (Volume 1 of 2) Pdf, epub, docx and torrent then this site is not for you. Basic Real Estate Training Take Your Real Estate Investing Career to The Next Level. These intensive, fast-paced trainings are held weekly in major cities all across the United States and Canada. They are specifically designed to help real estate investment beginners as well as those who have made a few investments but are looking for ways to increase their skills. The Real Book of Real Estate (Volume 1 of 2) For the first time ever, Robert Kiyosaki, biggest-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has assembled in a single book an unequalled cast of precise property wizards and trusted advisors with one perform in ideas: to share their info and practice you to win in precise property. Kiyosaki is a salesman and a motivational speaker. He has no financial expertise and won’t disclose his supposed real estate or other investment success. Rich Dad, Poor Dad contains much wrong advice, much bad advice, some dangerous advice, and virtually no good advice. Third, real estate gives you control over your investments, that is, if you have the skills. In the volatile times of early 2009, millions of people were losing 1 Introduction: A Note from Robert Kiyosaki Why a Real Book of Real Estate 3221:real estatenew 3/25/09 4:04 PM Page 1.
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Not the book you’re looking for?Preview — The Real Book of Real Estate by Robert T. Kiyosaki
A guide to real estate offering advice and techniques that investors need to navigate through the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of the real estate market and come out on top. Whether you're a seasoned investor or buying your first property, it shows you how to value a property, handle leases, manage tenant relationships, and get financing.
Published May 12th 2009 by Vanguard Press (first published May 1st 2009)
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Feb 07, 2012Carrie Rundhaug rated it it was amazing
This book is full of information and gives the reader an understanding of the process of investing in Real Estate. This is part of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, and Mr. Kiyosaki doesn't fail us. Kiyosaki brings together some of the brightest minds in their various fields. Each chapter is filled to the brim of information and is easily understandable. The most important point made throughout the entire book is how important it is to have a great team. I highly recommend this book.

Highly recommend!
Note to myself: Never make any deals with anyone you do not trust. Don't make the mistake of putting your real estate rentals into an S corp. or C corp. Hire REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY, not just ATTORNEY. Make the deal - no matter how long it takes (at the meeting). Having a general contractor run the show is a good idea. You should never attempt to manage your own construction, no matter how well you think you can do it. If you are an investor, remain an investor. Ask, even if you th..more
Note to myself: Never make any deals with anyone you do not trust. Don't make the mistake of putting your real estate rentals into an S corp. or C corp. Hire REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY, not just ATTORNEY. Make the deal - no matter how long it takes (at the meeting). Having a general contractor run the show is a good idea. You should never attempt to manage your own construction, no matter how well you think you can do it. If you are an investor, remain an investor. Ask, even if you th..more
Easily the best Kiyosaki book.
Mar 11, 2012Nola Redd rated it it was amazing
I picked this up as I started re-reading Kiyosaki's other books and realized just how prolific an author he has become! While I enjoy the rest of his work, I think this is probably the best and most helpful book he has out, simply because of the vast array of perspectives it includes. Some of the essays dealt with a range I wasn't really interested in - but I read them and generally found something that related to the aspect of real estate investing that I *am* interested in pursuing. At the sam..more
Good overview. Kinda covers everything so it doesn't really cover anything very well. It's my first real estate book but I would recommend for a beginning reference book.
If your thumbprints are on real estate get your fingerprints all over this book and take notes. Lots of gems that will provide insight and speak to you directly.
Pearls of Wisdom 'Things my ear picked up on'
People who do not fail also don't succeed
Four green houses turn into a red hotel 'Monopoly'
Look for don't wanters and the real estate they don't want
Who works harder you or your money?
I work hard at making money working hard for me
Her kindness is extraordinary
Is it cash flow or cash out?
Pearls of Wisdom 'Things my ear picked up on'
People who do not fail also don't succeed
Four green houses turn into a red hotel 'Monopoly'
Look for don't wanters and the real estate they don't want
Who works harder you or your money?
I work hard at making money working hard for me
Her kindness is extraordinary
Is it cash flow or cash out?
Apr 03, 2018Cade Mclaughlin rated it it was amazing
Very great book and highly recommended. This is a great read for beginners as it does not dig deep into details but gives you the right mindset to get started with anything real estate. The book is a Robert Kiyosaki book, which is one of the greatest authors of all time in my opinion. His team also helps write the book, so it gives the reader multiple points of views which is what I like most about it. The biggest thing this book teaches you is the importance of teamwork and trusting your team i..more
Achieve a higher level of success in your real estate business and life by reading this book. Inspiration and information from 22 of Robert Kiyosaki's real estate experts.--Karen Briscoe, author and podcast host 5 Minute Success
Good for overviews of the varying aspects of real estate. Not a great starter book. The last chapter (less than 10% of the whole book left a longer impact for me than most other chapters. Could see revisiting it after building a base knowledge being valuable.
Pure garbage.
Very boring. But this is a treasure box full of golden nuggets. Just very hard to digest
Dec 23, 2018Daman rated it liked it
Very thorough. A lot of it was on topics I didn't care about so I skipped a lot. Wasn't a very compelling listen though, so I didn't finish it.
This is the very knowledgeable book i would share to my friends
great book, love the detail with simplicity. it gets in to more complex and larger deals which I love.
Jun 15, 2016Michael rated it liked it
This book is very general, but gives insight to many different types of real estate deals. Almost every contributor mentions the importance of building a great team and outsourcing most of the responsibility. While the stories were interesting and it was filled with lots of useful tidbits, the book is more of a motivational item than a manual for investing. In the final chapter Robert was subtly trying to sell his courses and other books of his.
Useful tidbits:
Stay local, and actively navigate th..more
Useful tidbits:
Stay local, and actively navigate th..more
good book all round covering many important aspects wof real estate with well deserving and expert millionaires covering each section with guest experiences from donald trump n enjoyed reading and learning about the different methods and type of real estate investing with relevant experts in the field..however not the typical 5 star fav i normally enjoy from kiyosaki.well deserve the proce.but kinda covered alot and not homed into one good strategy itself.but then again.its the REAL..more
Nov 15, 2011Gemma Alexander rated it it was ok
Real Estate Investment Pdf
I really like Kiyosaki's take on money and I think he's a lot more readable than most personal finance authors. But this book was a collection of essays by other people, and the point was pretty much just to build his brand and keep something new on the shelves. It didn't really add much to my understanding of investing.
This book gives a great overview of the advantages of investing in real estate, along with the many different types of real estate investments that are out there! Really good for people just starting out to see what's out there and what is most interesting to them. I really liked the chapters on single family homes, tax liens, and exchanges. Very informative book!
3 Faults on this book:
- First, it covers way too many real estate topics
- Second, the level of depth in which each topic is covered is extremely uneven: for some topics, there's some specific, actionable advise (say, for example, when covering 1031 Exchanges); but for others, it was just a general overview
- Third, he includes both Trump's and 2 of Trump's sons advise
- First, it covers way too many real estate topics
- Second, the level of depth in which each topic is covered is extremely uneven: for some topics, there's some specific, actionable advise (say, for example, when covering 1031 Exchanges); but for others, it was just a general overview
- Third, he includes both Trump's and 2 of Trump's sons advise
May 09, 2014Jason Denison rated it really liked it
This is an awesome book. I loved hearing from all the different people and their personal experiences and expertise. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to be a real estate investor. Robert has changed the way I think about money and work.
Nov 25, 2013Frank Deschain rated it really liked it
Clarifies some of the more esoteric rules regarding real estate. Although the author's personal life is constantly called into question(bankruptcy, 'scam artist!accusations'), it definitely does make you think different about the financial system that we are born into.
Robert Kiyosaki Real Estate Loopholes Pdf
This is the how-to book to read! It has everything. Big or small, buildings our land , development, read it!
Vanity Fair
This is not a book, it is merely a compilation of self-promotion articles of the author's buddies.
This is not a book, it is merely a compilation of self-promotion articles of the author's buddies.
Its a complete guide of learning all about real estate; this time written by all the real estate advisor's of Rich Dad Kiyosaki. Great!
Bits and pieces of advice that you could find easily enough on the web through the people featured in this book.
Long but AWESOME
Long but AWESOME
Robert Kiyosaki Free Ebooks
Feb 24, 2016Geoffrey Jones rated it it was amazing
One of the best books around on being successful. I would not have been able to grow a million dollar business without Robert.
Feb 25, 2014Dane rated it really liked it
Great book. It might be a little too deep for beginners, however there is still a lot that can be learned.
Nov 30, 2011Erik Similkier rated it it was amazing
There is a ton of great information in this book. I'll be reading it again soon.
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Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the #1 New York Times bestseller. Kiyosaki followed with Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant and Rich Dad's Guide to Investing. He has now had at least a dozen books published. A partial list of his books is included below