• To begin the Windows 7 clean install process, you'll need to boot from the Windows 7 DVD if you're using a Windows 7 DVD, or boot from a USB device if your Windows 7 installation files are located on a flash drive or other external USB drive.
  • Reinstall Windows 7 Embedded. File: Windows System32 drivers WRkrn.sys Info: Windows failed to load because a critical system driver missing, or corrupt. Will someone help me out how to reinstall windows or fix the WRkrn.sys file. A quick google search says that file belongs to Webroot SecureAnywhere.
  • I need to reinstall Windows 7 Embedded on my server but I'm not able to do so despite repeated tries. I tried booting up the server with the Windows Embedded 7 Setup ISO attached (using IPMI) and I've also tried running setup.exe in the CDROM after Windows has booted up. Both methods fail.
  • I need to reinstall Windows 7 Embedded on my server but I'm not able to do so neither by booting up with the CDROM nor by running off the CDROM from Windows. In the first case, the server simply reboots by itself after I selected 'IBW' button. In the second case, the installer returns some.

Dec 12, 2013  Windows 7 Embedded System Restore Disc. Make your life easy and use free Macrium for imaging. It is far superior to Windows imaging. And for the recovery disc, download the.iso from my Skydrive and burn it to CD. That saves you a lot of time because if you make it from within Macrium, you have a 2 hour download.

Summary: Learn how to install Windows PowerShell on Windows 7, how to detect 32-bit PowerShell, or how to read an offline registry.

In this post:

Install Windows PowerShell on Windows 7

Hey, Scripting Guy! How do I download Windows PowerShell 2.0 to my new Windows 7 computer? I went to the Microsoft Download page for Windows PowerShell, but I was unable to find a version for Windows 7—surely, you all did not forget to make a version of Windows PowerShell 2.0 for your latest and greatest operating system!

— TW

Hello TW, Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson is here to help save the day. You do not have to download Windows PowerShell 2.0 if you have Windows 7 because it is already installed.

NOTE: For information on how to install Windows PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 7, see this Hey Scripting Guy blog article: Install PowerShell 3 on Windows 7.

Unfortunately, it is kind of hidden. To launch Windows PowerShell, you can use the Search Programs and Files dialog box. All that you have to do is type the word PowerShell and press Enter. The Windows PowerShell console will launch. This is seen in the following figure.

If you do not trust the search box (or simply prefer to mouse around) the Windows PowerShell shortcuts are housed in Start / All Programs / Accessories / Windows PowerShell. This is seen in the following figure.

Personally, I think both of those solutions are too difficult, and I create a shortcut on the task bar. I do this for both the Windows PowerShell console application and the Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Script Editor). To create the shortcut I drag both the Windows PowerShell icon and the Windows PowerShell ISE icon with the right mouse button to the desktop. When I let go, a task list appears that asks whether I want to copy, move or create a shortcut. I select create the shortcut, and then drag the shortcut to the task bar with my right mouse button. As I hover over the taskbar, I am prompted if I want to pin to the task bar (of course, I say yes). For information about how to install Windows PowerShell on Windows XP, see the Scripting WifeGets Started with Windows PowerShell post. For information about how to configure the Windows PowerShell shortcuts, and getting started using Windows PowerShell cmdlets, see the Scripting Wife Eases into Windows PowerShell cmdlets post. Generally, the best way to start using Windows PowerShell is to read through the Scripting Wife posts, and to complete the 2010 Scripting Games beginner events. The Scripting Wife goes through the process of learning the basics of Windows PowerShell in order to compete in the 2010 Scripting Games, and her experience is particularly valuable for beginning users.

Detect 32-bit PowerShell

Hey, Scripting Guy! I found this Windows PowerShell tip and wondered if there is a 64-bit version? I copied the code here.

$a = new-object -comobject MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
$a.language = “vbscript”
$a.addcode(“function getInput() getInput = inputbox(`”Message box prompt`”,`”Message Box Title`”) end function” )
$b = $a.eval(“getInput”)

Unfortunately I receive the following error when I try to run the code. I believe it is because I have a 64-bit version of Windows 7, and the component is 32-bit.

New-Object : Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0E59F1D5-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}

failed due to the following error: 80040154.

— IB

Hello IB, no there is no 64-bit version of the ScriptControl. However, what you can do is make sure that you launch the x86 version of Windows PowerShell when you have to use the ScriptControl. On a 64-bit version of Windows, in the Windows PowerShell program folder (a picture of which appears in my answer to the previous question) there will be 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows PowerShell. In my script, I would also perform a text to make sure that I was running in 32-bit, and if not, I would display a message and exit gracefully.

Here is a function that will test for a 32-bit environment.

Function Test-32Bit




Determines whether the computer has a 32-bit processor architecture.


The Test-32Bit function returns TRUE if the computer has a 32-bit processor

architecture and FALSE if it does not. The function does not have any parameters.

64-bit machines will return true when you run this function in a process running in 32-bit mode


Test-32Bit uses the PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable



C:PS> Test-32Bit






if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -match ’86’) { $true } ELSE { $false}


If it were me, for this particular example, I would use the .NET Framework Microsoft.visualbasic.Interaction class. I talk about the methods exported by this class in several Hey, Scripting Guy! blog posts. In fact, I have written several posts that talk about how to migrate VBScript code to Windows PowerShell. Here is a bit of code that will display a nice input box.

Following the debut of the movie on December 26, 2007, the series properly began on January 5, 2008. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( June 2012) This is a list of the episodes. The series began with 'Transform and Roll Out', a 90-minute movie special later broken up into three episodes for re-runs. Animated An episode list for the first two seasons has been released through 's website.

# —————————————————————————————————

# DotNetInputBoxV2.ps1

# ed wilson, msft, 10/9/2008


# uses the .Net framework interaction class with the inputbox method to

# create an inputbox using the dot net framework classes. the microsoft.visualbasic

# namespace is not loaded by default


# —————————————————————————————————

#Requires -version 2.0

$prompt = “Enter your command”


$title = “.net example”

$default = “default value”

Add-Type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic

$return = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.interaction]::inputbox($prompt,$title,$default)


Read an Offline Registry

Hey, Scripting Guy! I have to update a registry value that resides in the Hkey_Current_User (HKCU) on remote machines. I cannot do it by using remote registry operations for HKCU.

It seems like the only way is to look for the logged on user, then look into the ProfileList in HKLM, then getting the full SID and eventually updating (or reading) the relevant SID hive from HKU.

This will be quite a big job for a PowerShell beginner like me. I was wondering if there is a cmdlet or a script to save me tons of work just to identify which user hive in HKU I have to use.

— SO

Hello, SO. Unfortunately, there is no really good way to work with HKCU offline, because it is loaded dynamically when a user logs in. It is possible to experiment with the REG.exe command, which can load an offline .reg file, but I have not had good luck working with REG via a Windows PowerShell script.

The only way to really work with HKCU is to work with it via the currently logged on user. This can take place via a logon script, or a scheduled task. Depending on what you are really trying to do, you will actually be better off using Group Policy. The advantage is that with Group Policy, you have a great documented methodology, and can easily filter the application of the registry setting. In addition, you have centralized management, and can easily roll back changes that you deploy if needed.

Working with Security Logs

Hey, Scripting Guy! Our domain controller security logs rollover almost daily. We have recently started to save the logs off. Below is an edited down part of the VBScript that saves the files. Is there a way to open the saved security event logs with VBScript and look for 675 events with failure code 0x18. I have to ask about VBScript because I have not made the jump to PowerShell… yet. If there is a good book to read to pick up PowerShell, here is a good place to mention it.

sub SaveSecurityEvents( strComputer, strFolder )

set objWMIService = GetObject( “winmgmts:” _

& “{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Backup,security)}!.rootcimv2” )

strDateTime = Year( Date )& “-” & Month( Date )& “-” _

Install Windows 7 Embedded On Usb Stick

& Day( Date )& “-” & Hour( Time )

Reinstall Windows 10

strFileName = strComputer & “-SecEvents-” & strDateTime

strPathFileName = strFolder & “” & strFileName & “.evt”

set cobjLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

( “Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName=’Security'” )

for each objLogfile in cobjLogFiles

objLogFile.BackupEventLog strPathFileName

Install Windows 7 Embedded From Usb


end sub

Install Printer Windows 7 Embedded

Stuck with Security Issues.

— DS

Install Windows 7 Embedded On Hp Thin Client

Hello, DS. If you are saving .evt files, neither VBScript nor Windows PowerShell can directly open and read the files. You have to take a look at LogParser. LogParser can be automated via Windows PowerShell or VBScript if you wish. Here is a document in the TechNet library that talks about working with LogParser. As for Windows PowerShell books, I would be remiss if I did not mention the book I wrote for Microsoft Press, Windows PowerShell 2.0 Best Practices. It is a hefty four pounds, and takes a real-world approach to Windows PowerShell from a network administrator’s perspective.

Free limewire old version download. Well, this concludes another edition of Quick Hits Friday. Join me tomorrow for the Weekend Scripter when I will have a guest blogger.

I would love you to follow me on Twitter or Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com or post them on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy